Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Taking Time to Breathe

Sorry, no post last night. We had some visitors throughout the day, and by early evening, I was extremely tired. I am not sure why, but I was. Anyway, yesterday was a much better day for Daniel. He went all day without the irritated nerve bothering him. Last night, he recieved both platelets and red blood cells. This morning, he woke up with the leg problem. It is not as bad as it was, but it is still there. So, they are continuing to treat it as a irritated nerve. Which, seems to be working. Daniel opted out of taking the meds yesterday for it, due to the fact that it wasn't bothering him. The doctors are not really concerned about it because there is not any inflamation or fever, which may indicate an infection. He is still doing really good- health wise. Tomorrow, he will have the bone marrow biopsy. Please say a few prayers for him tonight! Not only for good news to folow, but, for it to be a pain-free as it can be! Daniel says that he can feel the pain generate from his toes up and that it is excruciating.  He will be by himself for the first night since all of this started. Tonight, I will worry about him. Did he eat supper? Does he need something to drink? Many other questions, will flow through my mind. He will also be enduring the bone marrow test by himself. The last two tests, he has had either his father or myself with him. I know that it has to be comforting to have someone you love with you during those times. Anyway, be thinking about him today, tomorrow, and tonight.

I have a graduation party to attend tonight and a graduation tomorrow. I can't wait to share with everyone how that goes! Ashlynn is so excited!

Oh yeah, y'all need to zip on over to my facebook page and watch the video that Jim King put together. The video is a small glimpse at the benefit that given in Daniel and my family's honor last Friday night. If you have been keeping up with my blogs- you know what I am talking about! It is beautiful! It made that, now, 213 boy (Daniel), have some big ole tears. Really, many thanks to all that made that happen! I am planning on being home until tomorrow afternoon. We may have some preliminary test results on Friday, but they have told us to not expect them until Monday. I will not be here on Monday, due to the fact that I have some things to take care of. Until next time- XOXO.

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