Friday, May 6, 2011


Alright, this blog finally has some beaUtiful color to it! I have a better picture, I just have not saved it. It has my leukemia warrior in it! Maybe, tomorrow, that will appear. Look at these kids, seriously, are they not the sweetest? Maybe, I am just partial!

Chemo, day one has been a challenge. Daniel has been pretty ill. Moslty nausea and light headedness. His blood pressure has been a little low, but all of these things are to be expected. Most likely, he will recieve blood tomorrow- another normal thing. As a matter of fact, this will probably happen every- other- day. Blood makes him feel better! All in all, he is doing good. He is sitting right next to me in a chair. This is pretty much the first time that he has gotten out of bed all day! He went for a little walk. I cheered him on. So did the nurses. Everyone tells me that the first month is the roughest part of this disease. They also say that the bone marrow transplant is tough. This guy is a fighter!

Today, I have heard about 2 different people that have the exact same disease that he does. Guess what? They live perfectly normal lives! So, there is my inspiration for the day! Those two gentleman! I strongly have faith in the remission of this disease. Well, I am going to get this man a shower while he has the energy. Until later, good night! I really do not know how much I will blog this weekend. I plan to devote my time to the enjoyment of the girls. I hope that you followers understand! We just recieved th ephone call that they ar ein the lobby. My stomach just dropped. You have no idea how much I miss those sweet faces!


  1. Kristen,,,I'm so happy to hear that Daniel got up and walked this evening!! All of this just hit me this evening about what is going on and I wasn't handling it very well, but, YOU,,,of all people,,,YOU have cheered ME up. I love your little girls like they are my own little grands. They truly are the sweetest little ones. Tell Daniel how much we love him and keep on keeping on. Thank you so much for these notes you give,,you, my dear,,are a strong person for doing this. YOU are Daniel's prayer warrior for sure and we all love you for that. THANK YOU!!!

  2. Go Daniel and Kristin!! Isn't it amazing how our perspectives change in the blink of an eye? When not ago long ago we never could imagine that we would be cheering on a short walk, or blood transfusions, or meeting other survivors. Praise God for the hope He has brought you today! His grace and mercy are perfectly timed and fully for you. Thank you, Lord.
    Your girls are absolutely beautiful and I'm praying for a good weekend and strength for you all this weekend.
