Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On Friendship, and What it Means to be There

Let me begin with an update on Daniel. Today, we learned of the diagnosis. Today, we learned of the possible treatment that he would undergo. Today, we hoped to start treatment. We also figured out how frustrating the waiting game can be. Shortly before lunch, we learned that Daniel would need to have another bone marrow biopsy because in order to be involved in the clinical trial that I spoke about earlier, he would need to have some samples sent to San Diego. I don't know if you know this, or not, but bone marrow biopsies are HORRIBLE! So, this was another hoop that we would have to jump. The samples would need to be sent by 5 pm today. Anyway, we met with several doctors,asked numerous questions, and signed all of the paperwork to seal the deal. This sample was much easier for Daniel because the doctor provided sedatives for him. Luckily, he doesn't remember much. We have found more information out about our new friend- ALL. This type of cancer can effect the CNS( central Nervous System- brain and spinal cord), so, Daniel will also be receiving treatment in his spinal cord.

So many people are asking how Daniel feels. I can tell you this. His blood levels look better, however, he is recording a tremendous amount of antibiotics. He is fever-free, for now. I am making that man EAT, yes, we area trying to pump him up for this battle! Tonight, he had lost 7 lbs since yesterday. Probably mostly water weight. He was not allowed to eat most of the day. He misses his children. My friends, this man is incredible. He has NEVER complained. He walked 2.5 times around his floor, today. Given what he went through, I think that today was a good day. I am very aware that we will have good days and bad days.

On to the title of my blog entry. I am amazed at how many people have showed up to visit us, how many emails have been sent, how many phone calls made, text messages sent, Facebook comments, messages, and friend requests made, and how many people are following our journey through my blog. I am amazed at how many prayer chains Daniel is on. Seriously, the man has churches all over the USA praying for him- amazing! I also am amazed at how many individuals are praying. I want to thank each and everyone of you. I know that there are many people I honestly don't know, and probably will never meet thinking about us! If you have even given one thought about our family- thank you!anyone who truly knows me, knows that i am a giver- not a taker. And in this moment, I feel like a taker. There are so many phone calls, text messages, emails... Etc, that I have not returned, and I truly apologize. I am trying! I try to spend my spare time sitting on the edge of Daniel's bed comforting him, supporting him, and most importantly, loving him. Right now, I am writing this as I watch him sleep.

In closing, i want to tell everyone from the bottom of my heart that I truly thank each and everyone of you! Even if you have not done any of the above things, if you have just given us one thought- thank you! Oh yeah, Daniel enjoys getting emails- you can visit the hospital website(Barnes Jewish Hospital) and somewhere there is a patient email spot. He reads each and everyone that he recieves! He also periodically checks Facebook- my page, that is. He's never been the real technology savvy person(hence the reason he doesn't have his own). Hopefully we will start treatment tomorrow!


  1. Kristin and Daniel,LOL I'm not very technology minded I understand that problem.Well today the sun is shining and for some reason that makes things look a little better.I'm so glad to hear that Daniel had a somewhat good day yesterday.Tell Daniel that every morning Dean asks me to go look on the computer and see How Daniel and Kristin are so I want to thank you for writing this blog and letting the truth be known.I am praying that today will be a better day for you both.My Mom's favorite quote is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me" I pray that your continuing journey gets easier and that God carries you through...Love ya

  2. I may be apart of the few that doesn't really know your family, but I have read all the blogs and the facebook. & I have to tell you, you are a very strong wife and mother!! I couldn't imagine going through what you are having to, but you are still doing your best! God bless you, and your beautiful family.
