Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{Settling In}

Today begins Daniel's 1st day of his last round of chemo. Round 3 of 3. Hopefully, this is it! This round, is supposed to be a brutal protocol. Seven days worth of chemo. August 3, Daniel receives his bone marrow transplant. The marrow, is being donated by a 32 year old male, from another country. It will be donated the same day Daniel receives it. As mentioned in earlier posts, Daniel's disease has a 100% chance of returning, if, a transplant does not occur. The type of chemotherapy protocol that daniel will be receiving will completely wipe his immune system out, completely wipe his bone marrow out (where your blood cells are made), so, it is important that he receive the marrow from an unrelated donor. Basically, he is receiving someone else's immune system, because his body, could never refurbish his immune system on it's own. The weeks following the transplant, should be the worst. As the Nurse Practitioner said today, Daniel "should feel like he was hit by a train". Interpret it, the way you want to.

This has been a long road. A long road for him. A long road for us and the rest of the family. Our family unit has never been stronger. As I have mentioned before, sometimes, we have wanted to fight this fight for Daniel. However, it has become apparent, that there is no other person healthier, stronger, wittier, than Daniel. Daniel has COURAGE. More than any other person I know. He has showed us all, that he can fight this fight much better than any of us. What we can do, is offer the following: love, support, strength, and prayers.

Looking back to the initial diagnosis, I can remember every aching aspect of it. I remember receiving the initial phone call, while in NYC. I honestly believe that Daniel had a gut feeling that something was terribly wrong, prior to that day. I knew. As a matter of fact, on Friday, I called my Executive Director, and asked to take a sick day on Monday. I knew, in my heart, there was something not right. Daniel was diagnosed on Saturday. From NYC to St. Louis, I couldn't get there fast enough. 1st flight out, the next morning, seemed like eternity. 

Upon seeing him for the first time, I will never forget the conversations that soon followed. The conversations that took place in the following days, weeks, and months. There was a whole lot of crying, praying, and wondering. Wondering- where do we go from here? What are we going to do? How are we going to do it? Because, at 29 years old, these type of things are not in the plan, yet.


Through all of his treatments, Daniel has not complained. 42 days and counting in the hospital, no complaints. Having to stay indoors for the entire summer, watching his crops grow, from the truck window, staying indoors, while everyone else is outdoors, not being able to swim with his children, not being able to go into public places, taking 7-10 antibiotics daily, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, blood draws (sometimes 22 tubes at a time), numerous trips to St. Louis, 2-3 weekly trips to the infusion center in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, for labs and antibiotics (4-8 hours at a time), 5 bone marrow biopsies, 3 minor surgeries, NOT ONE SINGLE COMPLAINT?

The truth is- our world has never been the same since April 29, 2011. Since April 29, we have constantly worried about fevers, infections, illnesses, blood counts...

Anytime the physicians, nurse  practioners, nurses, have given him his next treatment plans, course of action, protocols, he has taken the information with such grace. Ready. There is no other word that I would pick to describe Daniel other than, BRAVE!

As I have mentioned in the past, our family is incredibly grateful! We are so grateful for all of the cards, emails, words of encouragement, and love you have shown our children. Thank you for everyone who has helped us "get through" this.  From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. The next weeks are very crucial for Daniel, so please, be thinking about him, and .praying for him. On a side note, he is in 5906, for anyone wanting to send an email, card, etc. Thanks for all of you following our journey. XOXO Kristin