Monday, June 20, 2011

Some Thoughts, and a Bake Sale...

In many conversations over the last 10 years, Daniel and I have talked about EVERYTHING. Daniel has mentioned to me several times, that he thought that he would one day get cancer. In fact, I had a day off of work, sent the kids to the babysitter, and enjoyed a lunch date with him (it doesn't happen often), just a week before Daniel was diagnosed with Leukemia. In the car, he mentioned to me that he believed, one day, he would have cancer. The topic of conversation at lunch was how I wanted to get rid of all plastic containers and only use glass, because of the harmful chemicals released when used in a microwave or dishwasher. I wanted to replace all of my non-stick cookware that was bad- which, we all should do. Currently, I am choosing not to use non-stick cookware. He told me that I was crazy. Anyhow, since his diagnosis, these are all things that I have been seriously thinking about. When he was in the hospital, the reports or radiation emmiting from cell phones was a "hot topic". My kids love my cell phone. Should I not let them use it? Even Mia is obsessed. I fear germs, worse than I did before. Hard to believe, right?? If organic was a reasonable option- I would choose it. Where we live- it just isn't reasonable. I think about cancer rates, and how they keep increasing, especially in the young. So today, I am taking more proactive steps with my family's health. Less fast food, less convenience foods, less empty calories (crap-foods), more wholesome living, and more active lifestyles!

The truth is, I look at the world, completely different. I am less trustworthy, more careful! I am trying to be a better wife, a better homemaker, a better mom, and better, at everything. I am taking time to listen, to play house, to color, to make better meals (when it is possible)... I am enjoying life, the best that I can! I am taking time, to do things, that I should have done a long time ago. I hope to never take for granted- the title of MOMMY, ever again. Afterall, it is a pretty important title- right?

Daniel, is still feeling good. In fact, he worked today! Before anyone gets excited- he stayed in the truck, all day, and hauled bean seed to his dad. Nothing too hard! We have been trying to work through insurance issues- what a complete NIGHTMARE! We are trying to get one of his prescriptions re-filled, it is extremely costly, he has to have it, the insurance company is making it difficult... enough said. We learned that his next round of chemo treatment is going to be strong. It starts Friday, will last 5 days. Be praying for him!

There is going to be a bake sale this Saturday at the Malden Wal-Mart. My sister- in-law is in charge of it. There will be baked goodies of all kinds! All of the funds raised will be directly donated to the Be a Match Marrow Registry. This organization is so important to us and to many other families. If it weren't for them, we would be facing very different circumstances. While we appreciate all of the kind contributions that have been made to our family, if you are able to donate a few dollers, to help this organization, please do. This blog has been viewed almost 2,000 times. If everyone donated just $1, think of how many people just like Daniel, could be helped. If you are interested in donating, or sending a baked "something", please let me know!

Tomorrow, I am headed to Poplar Bluff, to clean out my desk at the Community Resource Coucil. Sad day, my friends! I don't know why, but I dread it. I was in Poplar Bluff last week, was going to do it then... but chickened out! Tommorrow, I have to do it. Thank you for hanging by my side, when I have struggled. Thank you! Good Night! XOXO

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