Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Challenge For You...

I'm typing this blog post while Daniel is driving us home! I guess my driving skills are not trustworthy- or so, he says! Since I last blogged, I will tell you that I resigned from my job at the Butler County Community Resource Council. This was something that I painfully dreaded. I tried to run every possible scenario through my head and contemplated several things, before I finally realized that I needed to be there for my husband and 3 lovely girls. For those of you who *really* know me, know that I loved my job, I love the people that i worked with, and most importantly, I loved what the Community Resource Council stood for and all of the great opportunities in the community that are made possible, because of the agency. I will forever miss the friendships, and connections that were made in the 3 years that I was employed there. This was the best decision to make, and the best thing for me, at this point, and i need to continually tell myself that. I strive on tasks, list making, and most importantly, having a plan for the day, and being unemployed, doesn't describe any of the above. I never really worked because of the salary, for those of you who have ever worked in the non-profit area, know exactly what I am talking about. However, I did work because it made me feel good, and I enjoyed it. So, as I transition into being a full-time momma, caregiver, wife... I am going to try and enjoy it!

I am going to drive myself crazy if I continue to second guess why my life is so chaotic right now. I do not know where we are going to be today, or tomorrow, or what kind of night we are going to have tonight, but i can tell you, that we are going to make it the best that we can. We are going to take it one step at a time. Making dinner is overwhelming- good thing that i have good friends who are helping me with that aspect, cleaning my house is overwhelming- good thing that i have the best cleaning lady, and folding laundry- it will just have to wait! I havent had a face- to- face conversation with a friend (you know, one, with no tantrums, little girls who check out every toilet around, or none without cleaning dirt out of every crevice on a little tanned body), since New York. My hair- its serious. Good thing that i have an appointment with Michael tomorrow night! Getting out of the house, is a miracle in itself! I am not complaining, because, I have three beautiful children and a husband, who fill my life with so much happiness. And, there are no words to describe it. My husband, he gets me and understands my rants, for example, when I get frusterated at the house and it's lack of organization that drives me crazy. He truly- gets me, and no other person does, and no other person supports me, the way that he does. Those girls and that amazing husband of mine- they can't wait (to be enjoyed). 

On to the news that all of you are awaiting! Daniel just finished 2 days of doctors appointments! We received very good news. That bone marrow biopsy that he had last week- there was NO sign of leukemia and no sign of the Philadelphia Chromosone. Can I get a big YEAH? You see. This is so important. The type of leukemia that Daniel has a high disease rate, meaning that it has a 100% chance of returning. Although doctors want the treatment to work, it usually is not that successful. What does this mean? Well, the bone marrow transplant can not take place until he is in remission- which he is, and it has a higher success rate, with this news. As far as future chemo treatments, he will be admitted next Friday for his 2nd round, and it will last 5 days, inpatient. Then, hopefully, there will only be one more treatment, and that is when he is admitted for the bone marrow transplant. That, is slated to take place 4-6 weeks from now! More news about the bone marrow transplant- there is a potential match. The candidate is a 32 year old male who does not live in the country. He will be contacted immediately, and hopefully, we will have a good answer within the week. There were actually 3 good matches, but Daniel's oncologist really wanted this one to work. He tends to prefer male donors, because, they usually are better specimens! Finally, some good news! After the bone marrow transplant, Daniel will be enrolling in a study. Rate of relapse following a transplant it 25-30%. Daniel's oncologist says that it is too high for him, so, this study will require him to have a 5 day treatment, every 6 weeks, outpatient, at Barnes, for 1 year- post transplant. He believes, that this treatment decreases the chance of relapse. So- how is that for an update? 

Oh yeah, most of y'all know that there is going to be a bone marrow drive held for Daniel on July 12, from 3-7 p.m. At the Pleasant View General Baptist Church in Risco, MO. Even if this "match" comes through for Daniel, we still want people come out. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a local match? Even if there wasn't a match from the drive- how do you think that the potential match for Daniel, got on the registry to begin with? Yep, you guessed it. More than likely, he attended a drive just like the one you are going to attend. How good would You feel knowing that there was a 28 year old male, with 3 children ages 6, 3, and 9 months, who need just one bag of blood, that would save his life, and that blood, could be from you? I don't know each and everyone of you who read this, but that, would make me feel so good. Even if you aren't a match for Daniel, you may be a match someday for a 12 year old, who is a talented basketball player, and if given a chance at life, will one day be the next Dirk Nowitzki, or a 30 something mom of twins, who has yet to see them take their first steps, and you could save her life. Regardless of the gender, age, circumstances, if it weren't for caring people, many people would not be given the chance to beat this disease! All that it requires, is a swab in the cheek of your mouth, some questions answered, and BAM! You could save a life! I encourage each and everyone of you to take the challenge! Do it for Daniel! Until next time- xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Great news about the remission! Praise the Lord for all the good news. It is tough to leave a job you love and we may never know all the reasons why in this life, but "in this moment" of time it certainly seems the right and reasonable choice. We will continue to pray for you, Daniel and the girls in this time of illness, change and transition.
