“Perhaps strength doesn’t reside in having never been broken, but in the courage required to grow strong in the broken places”, Author Unknown.
I found this quote on Pinterest a few weeks ago while waiting for some of Daniel’s labs in the cancer center. I stored it into my phone and forgot about it, until tonight. I remember why I stored it that day- it speaks the truth about my life.
I can relate.
Some people make it through a huge chunk of their life without being faced with disappointments, heartache, and discouraging factors. I am so happy for those people.
Some people spend most of their lives not worrying about the future as much as I do and always have.
Some people have genuine sunny dispositions.
I can tell you that I am not one of the above people that I have mentioned.
As a matter of fact, I have faced a whole lot of disappointment and heartache in my life. As with many children, I grew up in a broken home, with a father who had a horrible addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambeling) problem, a mother who worked out of town so that she could put food on our table and provide me with all of the necessary things that a young girl needed to have- including college, my father passing away when I was at the young age of 28, and most recently, my husband being diagnosed with cancer.
For the record, I would never change anything from the past. Most people would say that they would never want to have my life. I embrace it.
The great thing about having theses challenges, disappointments and this heartache… is that you learn to appreciate life, the big and small things involved in it. You open your eyes, and you REALIZE. Sometimes you may need to take a few steps back and look at the big picture. Sometimes, you may need to take a look at yourself and evaluate it.
I quickly learned that choices that you make have impact on others. Not just your children, or your family, but other people. This became my motivation.
My name is Kristin,
I have faced many disappointments and heartache.
I worry about the future.
And, I try to have a sunny disposition.
No matter what today brings- I can tell you at the end of each and every day- I gave it my 100%. I genuinely try to make each and every single day- Sunny.
May your Holidays be bright and merry! XOXO Kristin