Monday, February 3, 2014


(Photo: Esprit Jolie- Sheena Fought (owner) and Kate Arnzen)

My biological father is gone. He died of heart disease- very young. Anyway… I think it was a few weeks ago, I was asked how old he was. I replied, “he’s deceased”. I honestly think that was the first time that those words ever came out of my mouth.

He gave me his curly hair. His infectious smile. His love for life…

Weeks before he died, I listened to his regrets in life. Many of which revolved around him not being in my life. He talked about how sorry that he was not there to watch me grow up.

After he died, I went to his house in Texas. He didn’t have many belongings, but he did have a lot of picture of my family and his grand kids. Pictures and letters that I wrote, because he didn’t do the whole Internet thing.  Besides, who does not love snail mail? And, I would have had no idea that he had all of those, if he would not have died. Before he died, he constantly told me about how proud he was of me, and how sorry he was to miss it, and how much he enjoyed watching Ashlynn and Avery grow up. He died shortly after Mia was born.

And, I think of Dominic. Who, has been able to get a glimpse into the last 2 years of our life. Stories, that I could never re-tell. For that reason alone, I am glad I blogged through Daniel’s cancer diagnosis and bone marrow transplant. He holds such a special place in our hearts, and he deserves to see how much he impacted our lives.

So where am I going with this?

Someday when you are looking back on the memories of your life, I do not think that it is much of a leap to think that those memories simply exist in photographs. They are words that make you laugh, snap shots of moments that simply, make your heart swell, and conversations that start things. And, end things.

So much life happens through technology. Just do not forget to look up. Eye contact is so good for the soul.

We are headed out on a family vacation… a short one. We board a plane next Thursday and head towards Orlando. Disney bound again. To be able to witness the magic of Disney through your children's eyes, is one of the best feelings in the world. Blessed beyond words.
